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Kojo Nyamekye Anyinam-Boateng
Kojo Nyamekye Anyinam-Boateng
  • Residence:
  • City:
  • Drone Licence
    A1 / A3
  • Languages:
    English - Native
  • French - DELF B1
  • Interest:
    Formula 1 and E
  • Long Tennis
  • Drones
  • Swimming
  • BasketBall


Drones, Research, Robotics, Software Engineering
  • Role:

    Robotics Research Engineer

  • Client:

    Ls2N, ARMEN Team

  • Period:

    February - August 2021

CrazyFly with PX4, Raspberry Pi and Google Coral Board
Programming Language
ROS, Python and C++
Tools Used
Qualisys Motion Capture System, Tensorflow, OpenCV, NumPy, GitHub, Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Autodesk Fusion, Visual Studio Code and Zotero

Swarm Robotics has been on a raise and one of the domains which is actively been research is Swarm Robotics using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. The ability of Drones to be able to maintain a fixed inter-agent geometry is vital for this to work effectively. The most effective systems now use a Motion Capture system which is not scalable at a production level. As a result of this scalability issue, this thesis proposes a robust framework that would help in drone bearing formation by building drone detection, tracking and bearing estimator using a Convolutional Neural Network. Due to the high dynamics of drones a fish-eye camera is the visual sensor of choice.

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